Why Tour with The Day We Travel?
With so many travel companies out there, how do you decide WHO to go with? A lot of it has to do with where you want to go, how long you want to go for, how much you want to spend, and what exactly is included. However, it's important to know that you are well taken care of too! And I always strive to think of innovative ways that set me apart from my competitors. I think the reasons below outline that.
1) Excellent customer service & experience - I always have YOU, the traveler, in mind. Because without you, I wouldn't be in business. From hotel stays, restaurants, points of interest, and sight-seeing commentary, I always keep you informed with what's going on and answer any questions and concerns you may have so that you know what to expect. I always want the best for you so that YOU can best enjoy your travel experience and make life-long memories. I am a traveler too, and would want to experience the same!
2) Good eating - One of the highlights of travel for me is GOOD FOOD. I am a foodie, so on my tours, I will always point you in the right direction for the best foods in town. Because no one needs to eat mediocre when you can eat well! Travel with me, and I'll tell you what you shouldn't miss out on! Also, both Welcome and Farewell Dinners (which are always included on tour) are carefully chosen by me, personally. :)
3) Less bus time, MORE destination time - I seek to have you spend less time on the bus, and MORE time in the places we travel. No traveler should ever have to sit on the bus ALL day. Sure, there may be times where we will have a 'TRAVEL DAY' but I will always let you know what the distances and times are so that you can plan your day accordingly. But with my tours, I really want us to spend less time driving/riding, and MORE time visiting, so that you can soak in the atmosphere and ENJOY yourselves more by experiencing rather than just looking out the window.
4) Surprises! - Who doesn't love a good surprise?! For those of you that have traveled with me before, you know I am always full of surprises. Whether it be an unplanned photo stop, an opportunity to grab a pick-me-up at a cute coffee shop in town, a free sample of a pastry or some snack that I've snagged along the way, postcards, or whatever it is related to the particular trip, you are always in for a treat on my tours! So, be open to receive. :-)
5) The will to GIVE BACK - On all my tours, a small portion of your tour will go towards local charities in the places we travel. I believe we all need to stop, think, and be grateful for the things we have in life, and help those less fortunate than we are. Does this thought not make you happy? It fills me with joy. How many tour companies DO this?! Your tour costs will directly help these people in need.
6) Your voices are heard! - If there is something you are unhappy with, or if there is something on my tours that you think is lacking or can be better to benefit the greater good, I am all ears! I am available for a private chat, and you will also have the opportunity to voice your opinion after the tour concludes. After all, change is constant, and I am always open to hearing anything that may enhance my tours so that more people can enjoy. And you never know, I may just implement what you suggest!
Thanks for reading! Hope you like my mission statement and can see the difference between The Day We Travel and other tour companies. Come make the decision in letting TODAY be the 'day we' travel together!